On this page you can find a simple list of accredited national Internet domain name registrars who have signed an agreement with RNIDS. A more detailed overview of the services of accredited registrars can be found at domen.rs/registri.
Adriahost (Beograd)
Akton (Beograd)
Alkemy Play (Beograd)
Astra Telekom (Beograd)
BG Svetionik (Beograd)
BeoTelNet-ISP (Beograd)
Blockchain smart technologies (Kragujevac)
Burina NET (Inđija)
Gama Electronics (Beograd)
Domain Operation Center (Vranje)
Dream Technologies Group (Beograd)
Moja Supernova (Beograd)
Inet (Beograd)
Informatika (Beograd)
Interdesk (Novi Sad)
IP Plus Studio (Beograd)
Ivapix (Smederevo)
Loopia (Niš)
mCloud (Beograd)
Mint Hosting (Beograd)
Netcast (Beograd)
Netlogic (Beograd)
Netcom system (Beograd)
NordNet (Subotica)
Oblak Host (Beograd)
OpenLink (Beograd)
Orion telekom (Beograd)
Paukhosting (Beograd)
Pošta Srbije (Beograd)
Mainstream Public Cloud Services (Beograd)
Signet CS (Beograd)
Skyneting (Niš)
StanCo (Petrovac)
Superhosting (Beograd)
Telekom Srbija (Beograd)
United Internet (Belgrade)
Gransy (Beograd)
HostingMania (Beograd)
Host Media D.O.O. (Inđija)
CRI Domains (Beograd)
Webhosting (Niš)
Webglobe (Niš)