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Free Serbian Cyrillic Fonts

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RNIDS and Tipometar have a gift for you – fonts from typefaces Areal RNIDS and Neo Geo RNIDS by Olivera Stojadinović, Orto RNIDS by Ana Prodanović, Lingva RNIDS by Petar Vasilić, Etar RNIDS by Petar Stošić and Manument RNIDS by Lazar Rakonjac. The fonts are available in formats used both on the web (WOFF2) and in print (OTF), and comprise both Serbian Cyrillic and Latin scripts.

Manument RNIDS

Manument RNIDS is sanserif typeface – neutral and classic – inspired by grotesque and humanist sans-serifs.

The fonts are: Manument RNIDS Thin, Manument RNIDS Light, Manument RNIDS Regular,  Manument RNIDS Medium, Manument RNIDS SemiBold, Manument RNIDS Bold, Manument RNIDS ExtraBold, Manument RNIDS Thin, Manument RNIDS Light, Manument RNIDS Regular, Manument RNIDS Medium, Manument RNIDS SemiBold, Manument RNIDS Bold, Manument RNIDS ExtraBold.


Neo Geo RNIDS is a geometric sans-serif typeface featuring a character width that does not change with weight. 

The fonts are: Neo Geo RNIDS Thin, Neo Geo RNIDS Light, Neo Geo RNIDS Regular, Neo Geo RNIDS Medium, Neo Geo RNIDS Bold, Neo Geo RNIDS Black, Neo Geo RNIDS Heavy, Neo Geo RNIDS Thin Italic, Neo Geo RNIDS Light Italic, Neo Geo RNIDS Italic, Neo Geo RNIDS Medium Italic, Neo Geo RNIDS Bold Italic, Neo Geo RNIDS Black Italic, Neo Geo RNIDS Heavy Italic.

More about Neo Geo RNIDS typeface


Etar RNIDS is sans serif typeface comprised of fonts with reduced construction and neutral expression. It belongs to a group of grotesque typefaces that are often used nowadays, both in print and on the web.

The fonts are: Etar RNIDS-Regular, Etar RNIDS-Italic, Etar RNIDS-Bold and Etar RNIDS-BoldItalic.

Lingva RNIDS

Lingva RNIDS is serif typeface comprising upright and italic fonts. Bold and thin weight of the typeface are suitable for headlines and larger previews, while normal weight is easily readable in small sizes.

More about the Lingva RNIDS typeface

The fonts are: Lingva RNIDS Hairline,  Lingva RNIDS Thin, Lingva RNIDS Extra Light, Lingva RNIDS Light, Lingva RNIDS-Regular, Lingva RNIDS Medium, Lingva RNIDS Semi Bold, Lingva RNIDS Bold, Lingva RNIDS Extra Bold, Lingva RNIDS Black, Lingva RNIDS Extra Black, Lingva RNIDS Hairline Italic,  Lingva RNIDS Thin Italic, Lingva RNIDS Extra Light Italic, Lingva RNIDS Light Italic, Lingva RNIDS Italic, Lingva RNIDS Medium Italic, Lingva RNIDS Semi Bold Italic, Lingva RNIDS Bold Italic, Lingva RNIDS Extra Bold Italic, Lingva RNIDS Black Italic, Lingva RNIDS Extra Black Italic.


Orto RNIDS is sans serif humanist typeface comprising upright and italic fonts in two weights. It was created with the idea that the shapes of the characters would be well suited to on-screen display but perform well in print, too.

More about the Orto RNIDS typeface

The fonts are: Orto RNIDS Regular, Orto RNIDS Italic, Orto RNIDS Bold, Orto RNIDS Bold Italic, Orto RNIDS Thin, Orto RNIDS Thin Italic, Orto RNIDS Light, Orto RNIDS Light Italic, Orto RNIDS Medium, Orto RNIDS Medium Italic, Orto RNIDS Semi Bold, Orto RNIDS Semi Bild Italic, Orto RNIDS Extra Bold, Orto RNIDS Extra Bold Italic, Orto RNIDS Black, Orto RNIDS Black Italic.


Areal RNIDS is a slab serif typeface comprising upright and italic fonts in two weights. Its proportions, simple forms and linear style make it easily readable in small sizes. Particular attention has been paid to optimisation for on-screen display.

More about the Areal RNIDS typeface

The fonts are: Areal RNIDS Light, Areal RNIDS Light Italic, Areal RNIDS Regular, Areal RNIDS Italic, Areal RNIDS Bold, Areal RNIDS Bold Italic, Areal RNIDS Extra Bold, Areal RNIDS Extra Bоld Italic.

You can download the fonts in OpenType and Web Open Font formats:, 235 kB, 499 kB, 264 kB, 238 kB, 87 kB, 83 kB, 775 kB
LingvaRNIDS-woff2, 698 kB, 469 kB, 413 kB, 202 kB, 180 kB

By downloading the fonts you agree to the terms of use.

Unpack and install OTF fonts on your computer in the usual way. Serbian (Cyrillic) letters will be displayed when using the appropriate keyboard layout.

Fonts in WOFF2 format should be unpacked and added to your website using the CSS code provided with the font.

If you have any problems installing the fonts, or any other questions or suggestions, please write to us at: