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The director of RNIDS is the executive officer of the organisation, appointed by the Board of Governors from multiple candidates after a public application process. The director conducts the duties of manager of the Foundation in accordance with the Endowments and Foundations Act. The director is employed by RNIDS on a full-time basis. The term of office of the director lasts four years.

The director’s duties are laid down by the Statute. The director is accountable to the Board of Governors to which he or she submits a work report, which includes a financial report, every three months.

Purview of the director:

  1. taking ongoing RNIDS business policy decisions
  2. carrying out the decisions of the Board of Governors
  3. carrying out tasks entrusted to him/her by the Board of Governors from its purview
  4. managing the RNIDS Office
  5. overseeing rights, obligations and responsibilities arising from contracts of employment and establishing the structure of the organisation and of staffing in the RNIDS Office – which is comprised of all employees of RNIDS – except in regard to the director, whose rights, obligations and responsibilities, terms of employment and job description are laid down by the Board of Governors in accordance with the RNIDS Statute
  6. conducting the employee hiring procedure as per RNIDS enactments
  7. determining employee salary levels within the salary budget set in the Financial Plan approved by the Board of Governors
  8. taking decisions on the participation of RNIDS employees in local and international events
  9. making plans for staff training and development
  10. taking measures to maintain and protect the solvency and liquidity of RNIDS
  11. preparing the Financial Report and Financial Plan for the Board of Governors and preparing proposals for other decisions to be made by the Board of Governors
  12. representing RNIDS in legal matters and performing the rights and duties of financial executive
  13. working actively on increasing the number of RNIDS Co-founders
  14. organising promotional and other public relations activities aimed at raising and maintaining the public profile of RNIDS
  15. taking decisions on other matters in accordance with law and the enactments of RNIDS

The Board of Governors can appoint an acting director for a term of its choosing, but which is not longer than one year. The acting director only performs ongoing duties. Other duties are performed only with the approval of the Board of Governors.

RNIDS director:

Dejan Đukić

Appointed director at the meeting of the RNIDS Board of Governors held on 29th October 2020.