Serbian National Internet Domain Registry (RNIDS) Foundation hereby invites all interested suppliers to send their offer for the procurement of The Software Systems for Internet Domain Name Registration.
Offers shall be submitted in written form in accordance with the tender documentation and the Rules on the Conduct of the Procurement Procedure, pursuant to an invitation issued for the award of this procurement, procurement number 2/14. Bid is considered timely if it is submitted by 3 p.m. on 1st December 2014.
Bids shall be opened by committee, without the presence of bidders. Evaluation of bids shall be conducted in accordance with the criteria and procedure laid down in the tender documentation. After the decision on the award of the procurement contract is made, all bidders shall be notified.
All the interested bidders can acquire the tender documentation at by sending the completed “Application form for tender documentation” to: .
• Application form for tender documentation (DOC, 31 KB)
• Invitation to bid, procurement number 2/14 (PDF, 442 KB)