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Becoming a Co-founder – how and why

RNIDS is an open organisation whose roster of co-founders is constantly growing. One of RNIDS’ objectives is to involve the broadest possible cross-section of society in what we do, since in doing so we build trust in the work of the national registry, in the national Internet domains and in the Serbian Internet space. This in turn increases confidence in all those doing business on the Serbian Internet on the national domains.

We invite all companies and sole traders who are interested in the development of the Internet and Internet services in Serbia to become RNIDS co-founders and delegate an authorised representative to the Conference of Co-founders.

As a co-founder of RNIDS:

1. You will have a direct influence on the work of RNIDS
The Conference of Co-founders has access to all information of significance for the work of RNIDS, takes decisions on the membership of RNIDS in local and international organisations, decides on the establishment of working groups and bodies, decides on the disposal of the resources and assets of RNIDS, approves the report of the independent auditor, approves, amends and supplements the provisions of the Statute and passes other enactments in accordance with applicable regulations and the RNIDS Statute.

2. You will influence regulations relating to the Internet in Serbia
The Conference of Co-founders passes general terms for the registration of .RS and .СРБ domain names, general terms and conditions for the operation of accredited registrars and rules of procedure for the resolution of disputes relating to national domain name registrations.

3. You will contribute to the security and development of the DNS system in Serbia
RNIDS maintains the central databases on the national Internet domains, as well as the main DNS and WHOIS servers. The stability of the DNS system is one of the key foundations of e-commerce in Serbia.

4. You will meet many significant stakeholders in the local Internet community
RNIDS co-founders include many companies, educational institutions and other organisations with a high profile in the local Internet community. One of the roles of RNIDS is to forge ties between stakeholders in the Serbian Internet space, initiate discussion in a range of areas and tackle issues which are in the general interests of Internet users in Serbia.

5. You will have the opportunity to work with the leading international organisations in the Internet industry
As a national registry of Internet domain names, RNIDS is a member of CENTR (Council of European National Top Level Domain Registries), and works regularly with ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), the leading organisation for the administration of the global structure of the Internet, as well as with other international Internet-related organisations.

6. You will contribute to RNIDS’ Internet development activities in Serbia
As a not-for-profit organisation, RNIDS works towards meeting its general-interest objectives through promoting the use of the Internet and increasing the quantity of high-quality Internet content in the Serbian language and script and the languages and scripts of national minorities. As a RNIDS co-founder you will be part of one of the focal points for the development of the Internet in Serbia and be able to play a role in guiding RNIDS on this road.

Who can become a RNIDS co-founder?

All interested parties can join RNIDS as co-founders if they are registered in the relevant registers of legal entities and sole traders of the Republic of Serbia. In practice this means all registered forms of association except individual members of the public.
Current co-founders of RNIDS are companies and organisations involved in some area related to the Internet: Internet services, Internet and communications technologies, Internet content production, legal and educational aspects of the Internet, etc.

What else do you need to know?

According to the RNIDS Statute, the status of a RNIDS co-founder can be terminated in the case of:

1) a written statement submitted by the co-founder announcing withdrawal from RNIDS
2) breach of the Membership Agreement or failure to adhere to the provisions of the Statute
3) failure to renew annual membership fees by the required deadline
4) deletion from the relevant register of legal entities and sole traders of the Republic of Serbia
Multiple affiliated parties who are RNIDS co-founders are for the purposes of voting considered to be a single RNIDS co-founder and when voting have only one vote.

RNIDS co-founders are not entitled to vote on amendments and additions to the RNIDS Statute or on the election or dismissal of members of the RNIDS Board of Governors in their first year of membership.

What is the procedure for joining RNIDS?

If as a future RNIDS co-founder you accept the provisions of the RNIDS Statute, you can begin the procedure to join, as follows:

1. Fill in the membership application form
You can download the application form at the bottom of this page. You should fill it in and send it by e-mail to , and signed and stamped to this address: RNIDS, Žorža Klemansoa 18a/I, 11108 Beograd, PAK 101147

Each RNIDS co-founder must appoint an authorised representative who will participate in the work of the RNIDS Conference of Co-founders on its behalf. The Conference holds two regular sessions annually and may hold a number of extraordinary and electoral sessions. The authorised representative must be someone who has sufficient time and interest to participate in communication and in the key functions and activities of RNIDS.

2. Payment of annual fees
The annual fee is 12,000 RSD and is payable to the current account of RNIDS.
Annual fees are payable for one year. If the annual fee is paid before the expiry date, the new membership period will only begin once the previous period has expired and not from the day of payment.

3. Decision of the RNIDS Board of Governors
At its next meeting, the Board of Governors will consider the application and take a decision regarding the membership of the new RNIDS co-founder.

4. Signing the Membership Agreement
You can also download the Agreement at the bottom of this page. The Agreement is signed by an authorised agent of the new co-founder and by the director of RNIDS.

5. Certification of the Agreement
The authorised agent of the new co-founder and the authorised agent of RNIDS must appear in person before the authority responsible for certification (notary) to have the Membership Agreement certified.

6. Entry of the new co-founder
The new co-founder is entered into the Register of Endowments and Foundations held with the Business Registers Agency. This is done by the RNIDS Office, after which information on the new co-founder is posted on the RNIDS corporate website.