1. I want go into business registering national Internet domains but 200 domains annually is too much for me and/or I don’t have the necessary technical resources.
If you want to do business registering national Internet domains for end users but feel that you will not register 200 domains in the near future and recoup your advance, and/or you do not have the necessary technical and organisational resources, you can contact an existing accredited registrar and become their sales agent.
2. Can only Internet service providers become accredited registrars?
No. Any legal entity or sole trader with a registered address in Serbia can become an accredited registrar if they meet the relevant conditions laid down by RNIDS.
3. Can foreign companies become accredited registrars for RNIDS?
Not currently. Only local legal entities and sole traders may become accredited registrars. If a foreign company wishes to become an accredited registrar, it can do so via its own legal entity registered to do business in Serbia, or by entering into a business partnership with an existing accredited registrar.
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Serbian National Internet Domain Registry
Žorža Klemansoa 18а/I, Belgrade, Serbia